The seller you searched from ALIBABA and MADE-IN-CHINA are not operating table manufacturers
Operating table accessories manufacturers are not good at SEO and operating the website. So the best way to the find the operating table accessories, such as leg holder, radial setting clamp, armboard, stirrups, skull clamps and so on, from B2B web such as or made in china.
But the truth is, there only not more than 10 factories who are focusing on producing operating table accessories. So most of the sellers you find on alibaba or made-in-chia are tranders not the real manufacturers.
Smarter buyer, you are visiting a real factory, following are some quotations for your reference:
Electric operating table, EXW price $1,550/unit
The yellowfin stirrups, EXW price $1,550/pair including two clamps
Mayfield standard Cranial Stabilization System, EXW price $990/set
Welcome for your inquiry.
Contact person: Mrs. Wang
Mobile: +86-13359726286(wechat)